The ULTIMATE RV Camping Guide + Survival Kit [Pro Tips & Hacks] | Campground Membership Outlet The ULTIMATE RV Camping Guide + Survival Kit [Pro Tips & Hacks] | Campground Membership Outlet

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The ULTIMATE RV Camping Guide + Survival Kit [Pro Tips & Hacks]

Family RV Camping And Sitting Outside

Camping with an RV is an exciting and convenient way to explore the outdoors. Bring modern conveniences with you in your RV, and get a little extra comfort whether you’re staying at a traditional campground or making your own way in the wilderness. Don’t make rookie mistakes when you begin your RV camping journey!

3 RV Camping Tips for Beginners

  1. Bring Extra Supplies: You will run out of things, lose things, and need things more than you realize. Extra hand sanitizer, towels, toilet paper, and food are just a few things you’ll want to have around. Bringing a sleeping bag you don’t think you’ll need or that third pair of jeans you aren’t expecting to wear can be the difference between a comfortable day or night and a miserable one.
  2. Keep Things Clean: You’re eating outside where the weather, insects, and critters can get at your stuff. Keep things as organized as possible while you’re eating, and clean everything immediately when you’re done. Even one gust of wind can upset the paper napkins on your table, and one plate of food left out can attract gutsy squirrels or worse.
  3. Practice Using Your Equipment: The worst time to realize you’re bad at putting up a tent or cooking on your portable stove is at the campsite, especially when it’s getting dark. So, practice putting up the tent in the backyard. Cook a meal or two using only your camping cookware. You don’t have to be perfect, but knowing some of the tricks to using this new equipment will ease your RV journey.

Top Camping Accessories to Keep You Comfortable

There is no reason why you shouldn’t enjoy the great outdoors while being comfortable at the same time. Here are some of the top camping accessories that will make for a more comfortable camping experience:

  • Wearable sleeping bag: this is a sleeping bag that you can actually hike in. When you feel the need to rest, you can do so in a couple of zips.
  • Camp socks: many campers experience cold toes, but with camp socks you get extra padding to keep those toes at optimal temperatures. They are also ideal for keeping your feet warm at home if you have cold floors.
  • Inflatable chair: to keep your backside dry and comfy an inflatable chair can be the answer. Their inflatable nature means little space is taken up in the back of the car.
  • Sleep mask/sound–muffling pillow: this accessory can help you sleep if light and noise is an issue. When the moonlight gets too bright and the sound of crickets is driving you crazy then this accessory is priceless when you are able to get that perfect night’s sleep.
  • Hammock tent: as the name suggests this item is a hammock and tent in one. If you ever wanted to sleep in a hammock while out in the woods then this product allows you to do just that.

Cooking Tips

Cooking your own meals at a camping trip can be a lot of fun, and rewarding when you get it right. However, it’s not as simple to prepare foot outdoors as it is in your own kitchen. Without the right preparation you could be disappointed with the quality of the outcome. Take the time to consider the following camping cooking tips:

Bonfire to Prevent Mosquitoes During Camping

Choose the Cooking Method:

The two most common forms of cooking on a campfire involve using direct heat. You can either wrap the food in aluminum foil or place it in the fire. This method is great when you need to achieve the right temperature for the food in question. The other method is to place food on a grate that is placed above the fire.

Cooking Supplies to Bring:

The ease with which you cook the food will depend on the quality of the supplies that you bring. Some of the more common items to bring include:

  • tongs
  • spatula
  • aluminum foil
  • portable grate
  • matches
  • lighter fluid
  • lightweight pot

Pro Tip: Visualize the cooking process ahead of time so that you can bring all the equipment you are going to need.

Cook at Home:

You could cheat by cooking the food at home, and placing it in zip bags in a freezer. Then at a campsite it’s simply a matter of reheating the food. This will save you a lot of time and hassle, yet give you the sensation of cooking in the outdoors. Make sure to properly label the bags before leaving home so that at the campsite you know what’s what.

Tips for Fighting Mosquitoes

  • Anti-Bug Clothing: The clothing that you wear will play a vital role in how attractive you’ll be to the mosquitoes as a target for their next meal. State of the art anti-bug clothing can be permeated with a synthetic molecule called permethrin, which is derived from the chrysanthemum flower. In addition to repelling mosquitoes, it will keep away almost all other bugs such as chiggers and ticks. The molecule kills the bugs if they spend too much time in direct contact with it.
  • Home Based Remedies: It is difficult to tell if home remedies are effective at preventing mosquito bites. That’s because there are many different factors that determine how likely an individual is to receive a mosquito bite. Some of these factors include blood type, color of clothing, amount of carbon dioxide you exhale, alcohol level consumption, bacteria on skin, body temperature and amount of uric acid in your sweat. However, you can experiment with some home-based remedies to see what results you get.
  • Using Common Sense: Using common sense can go a long way in keeping the mosquitoes away. For instance, when setting up camp select an area that is likely to have a breeze and is exposed. Avoid setting up camp near a dense area of trees. Also invest in clothing that covers your body from head to toe. Make sure this clothing is light and does not suffocate your skin.

RV Parked By The Ocean

3 Items for Your RV Camping Survival Kit

When you go RV camping, you should prepare for the unexpected. You never know when the vehicle could break down or if someone will get hurt. To keep troublesome situations under control, make sure you have these three items in your RV.

  1. First Aid Kit: If you don’t have a first aid kit already, get one now. The average kit includes basic items like bandages, gauze, and alcohol cleaning pads. Customize it by adding extra amounts of medication that you or your family needs, such as prescription pills or diabetic supplies. You’ll be glad you packed them if your trip lasts longer than expected. Depending on where you’re camping, you may also want to have a snake bite kit on hand.
  2. Water Purification Tablets: If your supply of water runs out, you’ll need to grab some from the nearest natural source. Water purification tablets are a convenient alternative to boiling water. Iodine-based tablets kill most pathogens, including bacteria and viruses, while chlorine-based tablets are highly effective against E. coli. Chlorine-dioxide tablets work well against parasites like cryptosporidium. Research the water sources ahead of time so you know which purification tablets will best suit your needs. Also, remember that they can’t remove chemicals.
  3. Portable Jump Starter: You may find that your RV won’t start at the end of the camping trip. If the problem is a drained battery, a portable jump starter can save you a lot of time and hassle. It’s especially handy if you’re in a remote area with few or no other people nearby. Some jump starters include extra features like a work light or a built-in air compressor for inflating tires.

You’ll run into unexpected difficulties during every RV camping trip you take. Your first trip will be full of quite a few of them, but you can stave off some of the worst situations by being prepared. Take advice from people who’ve been there. Campground Membership Outlet is full of people with experience RV camping, so check it out and find your first campground membership today.

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